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When we take care of ourselves, we can joyfully show up and take care of others”.
— Portia Green

 August is here, and new beginnings are on the horizon. School is back in session, and our glorious summer break has ended. I must admit, I am still getting acclimated to rising at 4:30am again. Fixing lunches, ironing clothes at night, afternoon sports, gymnastic practice, driving in school car lines, and trying to figure out what’s for dinner, is my last name. Did I mention that I’m a whole wife, a mother, and a leader. Can you relate? I get it. We are busy! We are tired! We are exhausted! How did I get here?

School ended in May 2022. After leading in a pandemic for two years, I was exhausted. I was asked by one of my bosses, what are your plans for the summer. I jokingly replied, “I have to get all of my wisdom teeth taken out this summer”. They answered, and said, “No, what are your vacation plans for this summer”? Have you ever been told by your boss to take a break? I instantly thanked God for grace and favor to rest. Summer 2022, I summered like I had not summered before. I worked, but I was able to take a break too. I took several seats, if you will, to look over my life. I had the opportunity to sleep in late, vacation with my family, vacation alone, indulge in self-care uniquely designed for me, and prepare for the month of August.

How did I get here? That’s the million-dollar question. I realized that I had poured my all into so many things and people, and I neglected to pour back into myself. I was empty. Have you ever been there before? Sometimes, we place ourselves on the “back burner” for everyone else. This is completely unhealthy. People will take from you until there is nothing else left. However, it’s not the “people” fault. We must set healthy boundaries and understand our limitations. We should serve others and help others, but not to the point of losing ourselves. When we take care of ourselves, we can joyfully show up and take care of others. Otherwise, we may show up grudgingly with a bad attitude. Does this sound familiar? So, here I am. I have bounced back, and it feels good.

One thing that I have done to bounce back is set weekly goals for myself. I love to prepare a realistic list of goals that I can attain. I call it baby steps in this thang. Ha! Sometimes, I do not get to check every box and that’s okay. I will not despise the small beginnings.

Today, I was meditating and looking over my life. What are your strengths? What are things you want to work on? These are the questions I pondered on. Several things came to mind. Can you relate? Sometimes, we focus on the not so good and it has a way of getting us down to the point we do not even begin. God told me to start this blog years ago. I even had a launch day for July 2022. Life happened, I got busy, but here it is. To that end, do not give up on yourself. I took on a different perspective concerning the list of things that I want to perfect. I’m choosing two goals on my list to continue working on during the month of August.

Self-Care and Preparation stood out the most.

Girl, how are you preparing for each day? How do you honor yourself with self-care? These are the questions that kept coming to mind. As a woman, wife, mother, and leader, my schedule is busy. Transparency moment-I can remember the days when I would fall asleep on the couch in my clothes because I was tired after work and really needed a break. I can think of so many times I have poured myself out to others and had little to nothing for myself. Can you relate?

I must admit, I just started being intentional about this self-care thing in April 2022. That’s a big “wow” moment, right? I have indulged in massages, facials, meditating, prayer, powerwalking, and so much more. Girl, I needed it! And please understand, self-care is created uniquely for each individual. What works for one may not work for the other. Do your thing!

Preparation is a huge one for me. I LOVE to cook, but somedays I am simply too busy for it. Sometimes picking up a hot meal from Publix or Wintzell’s is a win for my household.

My husband and I are “neat freaks” and enjoy a clean home. However, I cannot tell you how many days I’ve stared at laundry in a basket that was more than two days old. Ha! I know I’m not the only one with this problem. Go fold that laundry! LOL

Getting school clothes ironed on the weekend, planning dinner for the entire week, and spending quality time with my husband and children, is always on my mind. So, can we attain this? How do we execute the goals that we have set? How do we show up for ourselves first? I’m so glad you asked. A few suggestions come to mind.

We must have a vision. Without a vision, we perish. (Proverbs 29:18) I had to understand my limitations and get use to asking others for help. I said it! I am not this strong superwoman with a cape, nor do I desire to be. Do you agree? I have now come to the realization that I must show up for myself first in order to serve others. Such a cliche, right? I’ve heard it and said it too many times before. It’s easier said than done. So, how do I plan to execute my two goals during the month of August?

Just to name a couple, I’ve scheduled alone time away from home for me to indulge in a facial and massage. I have set a schedule for me to enjoy a brisk walk each day for 30 minutes. To prepare for each week so that I can succeed, I have hired a meal prepping service to help out a couple of nights to make dinner easier at night. I am determined to show up for myself, my family, and others joyfully.

So, how do you plan on showing up for yourself during the month of August? Yes, August is almost out of here, but you still have time to begin. Can you think of two things you may need to work on? Get a plan, execute it, and celebrate your wins. It’s time to arise and shine!